
Cross stitch

Oct 18 2020
Mum is busy with a cross stitch design of collie dogs and hens which has been a somewhat intermittent project in the past but she has now decided to make it her main craft project until it is finished.  She has had a minor blip in that a small amount of it needed redoing due to a beak going in the wrong place.  Cross stitch it would appear needs


Oct 17 2020
It turns out that the unspecified item was one of a pair of wrist warmers and that this and the hat are going to be for Mum.  Wrist warmers are basically a tube with ribbing at each end and a hole left in for the thumb to poke through, although the posh ones have a knitted bit for thumb.  The second wrist warmer has now been knitted and both are now awaiting Mum to sew them up.  As there is still some of the yarn left and it is very pretty, Harrier and I have commissioned Aunty Biscuit to knit a pair of

A stitchup

Oct 15 2020

The hat has now been (very neatly) stitched up by Mum who is now trying to decide how many feet across the pompom is going to be.  Harrier thinks it may be about the size of a space hopper, I’m going smaller at the size of a football.  Aunty Biscuit meanwhile has cast something unspecified in the hat/jumper yarn, then pulled the stocking stich bit out as she had forgotten to change from 5.5mm needles to 6.5mm at the appropriate point.


Oct 13 2020

Aunty Biscuit is whinging that the rib on the hat she is knitting is 3 and a half inches long (9cm).  Mum pointed out that it could be worse and that the whole thing could be in it.  This went down like a lead balloon.  Stitching up for the hat is going to be subcontracted out to Mum.  I understand that on this particular style the bit that is turned up needs the seam stitching inside out so that the finished article looks right.

Thistles and hats

Oct 12 2020
The hat is now cast on.  It will be interesting to see how much yarn will be allocated for the pompom which will inevitably be made to top it off.  That is all I am going to say on that matter for now.  Yesterday Mum had a bonfire (Harrier and I were not allowed in the area that it is in) which is one of those autumn activities which is rather satisfying and warm.  Please don’t just

We have cast off!

Oct 11 2020

Aunty Biscuits jumper has now cast off and is in the process being sewn up and the loose ends dealt with.  It is now clear that the left overs are going to become a hat.  I am also pleased because now the leaves are starting to fall I can indulge in one of my favourite hobbies of snuffling through them whilst around the tree area.  Mum meanwhile has been planting out some winter pansies into a couple of containers which should provide a welcome splash of colour as the year continues.


Oct 08 2020

The pumpkins have started to appear in the supermarkets for Halloween.  After previous years epic fails, I’m not sure whether any will be making an appearance here or at Aunty Biscuits.  Apparently, pumpkins are hollowed out and carved (then the candle lit inside ensuring some cases intricately with a hobby drill the fragrance of pumpkin is released.  The insides can be made into a “beautiful velvety soup enriched by the addition of some sherry.”

Year 1: Experimental pumpkin acquired, insides removed and very basic carving performed as the skin was harder than it looked and the only tool available was a kitchen knife.  The insides were then made into a soup which was by all accounts rank.  The addition of nigh on a bottle of sherry pushed it

Decisions .decisions

Oct 07 2020
The jumper front that Aunty Biscuit is knitting is coming along a lot faster than I anticipated and must be over halfway towards the start of the shaping.  It is clear that there will be sufficient yarn left over to make something useful.  Much as I like the idea of a doggie jumper with the multi coloured on the top piece with a cranberry tummy piece, I can’t see it happening.  The sensible thing to go with a jumper would probably be a hat and scarf or gloves or possibly a scarf.  This is Aunty Biscuit though so 

Little pleasures in life

Oct 06 2020
After our morning stroll Harrier and I piled onto a convenient lap for an ear rub from where we had a good view the from out of the front window.  It was a time for quiet reflection as we surveyed the lovely shades of apricot and blue of the morning sky, the morning sun filtering through the top of the hedges and trees adding a golden hue to their autumn splendour.  As Harrier was reflecting on

Holly and hazel

Oct 05 2020

Mum has been planting a couple of small trees.  One is a curly hazel tree so with any luck Harrier will have some catkins to photograph in the spring and Aunty Biscuit will have something to draw or paint, although she has just lent her second best set of paint brushes to someone along with some watercolours.  The other tree is an ilex which is some type of holly.  There are various craft activities involving holly around the festive season which can range from a holly wreath, as decoration, a motif on knitting to a theme on Christmas cards or gift tags.  Aunty Viv is a keen card maker, the next time I am barktiming Prudence I will have her check whether there is any evidence of Christmas cards being made.