Classic Ribbed Hot Water Bottle Cover

Here is another free knitting pattern inspired by my childhood.  How many times did you go to bed on those cold winter night and creep down the cold sheets until you found the hot water bottle at the bottom of the bed, curl yourself around it and fall asleep.  You will also remember I am sure that hugging the water bottle directly could only be managed for a few seconds before it started to burn, so it needed wrapping in a towel or in its own knitted hot  water bottle cover.  Today of course hot water bottle covers come in all shapes and sizes, disguised as teddy bears or rabbits, and some use wheat instead of water to hold the heat.  However as much as time moves on often the simple solutions are the best and this free knitting pattern is a timeless classic.  Elegant to look at and easy to make so even the less experienced knitters can make it.

This pattern makes a cover to fit a standard hot water bottle.


100g Aran Weight Yarn
1 x 5mm Knitting Needles
90cm of Ribbon (1.75mm width)


sts      Stitches      
    Knit (number after it refers to how many stitches to knit)
  Purl (number after it refers to how many stitches to Purl)
 K2tog     Knit two together (knit next two stitches together as if they were a single stitch (decreasing a stitch)
    Yarn Forward Over Needle (increasing 1 stitch)

To make sides of Hot Water Bottle Cover (need 2 alike):

Using 5mm needles, cast on 40 stitches.
Row 1:  [K1, P1] Repeat to end
Row 2:  [K1, P1] Repeat to end
These two rows form pattern, continue working in pattern until work measures 25cm (or 10 inches) ending on a wrong side row.

Next row:  K1, [K2tog, YFO, work 3 sts in pattern] repeat to last 2 sts, work these in pattern (40 sts)

Work an additional 12 rows in pattern.
Cast off in pattern.

To make Up:

With right sides facing, sew up side and bottom seams of hot water bottle cover.  Turn correct way out, thread ribbon through holes at base of neck.  Insert hot water bottle and tie the ribbon in a bow at the base of the neck .

We would be interested to hear whether you have enjoyed this free knitting pattern, and would welcome feedback as to other patterns and things you would like to see on the site, please feel free to contact us or to join us on Facebook.

Copyright 2012