Small Knitted Heart Cushion.

Here you will find a free knitting pattern for a small heart shaped cushion. This is the perfect gift for a sweetheart on Valentines day or at any time of the year.
The cushion is approximately 30cm at its widest point, and the yarn used is both striking in colour and texture making it a very tactile cushion to hold or cuddle and an eye catching addition to any room.

print out PDF of pattern


2 x 50g Patons Lush Yarn
1 x 6.5mm Knitting Needles
100g Polyester Cushion Filling


sts      Stitches      
P     Purl (number after it refers to how many stitches to Purl)      
    Knit (number after it refers to how many stitches to knit)
     Knit into the front and back of the next stitch, increasing 1 stitch.
 K2tog     Knit two together (knit next two stitches together as if they were a single stitch (decreasing a stitch)
    Purl two together (purl next two stitches together as if they were a single stitch (decreasing a stitch)    
[ ]
     instructions within square brackets to be repeated as specified after bracket

To make sides of Cushion (need 2 alike):
Using 6.5mm needles cast on 1 stitch.
Row 1:  M1  (2 sts)
Row 2:  Purl to end
Row 3:  M1, M1  (4 sts)
Row 4:  Purl to end
Row 5:  K1, M1, M1, K1  (6 sts)
Row 6:  Purl to end
Row 7:  K1, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K1
Row 8:  Purl to end
Repeat row 7 & 8 until 36 stitches are on needle.
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch
Next row:  K1, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K1  (38 sts)
Work 7 rows in stocking stitch

Work top as follows:
Row 1:  K1, K2tog, K13, K2tog, K1, Turn  (17 sts)
Row 2:  Purl to end
Row 3:  K1, K2tog, K11, K2tog, K1  (15 sts)
Row 4:  Purl to end
Row 5:  K1, K2tog, K9, K2tog, K1  (13 sts)
Row 6:  P1, P2tog, P7, P2tog, P1  (11 sts)
Row 7:  K2tog, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K2tog  (7 sts)
Row 8:  P2tog, P2tog, P1, P2tog  (4 sts)
Cast off in knit. 

With right side facing, rejoin yarn
Row 1:  K1, K2tog, K13, K2tog, K1, Turn  (17 sts)
Row 2:  Purl to end
Row 3:  K1, K2tog, K11, K2tog, K1  (15 sts)
Row 4:  Purl to end
Row 5:  K1, K2tog, K9, K2tog, K1  (13 sts)
Row 6:  P1, P2tog, P7, P2tog, P1  (11 sts)
Row 7:  K2tog, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K2tog  (7 sts)
Row 8:  P2tog, P1, P2tog, P2tog (4 sts)
Cast off in knit.

To Make Up:
With right sides facing, sew around outside edge of cushion, leaving a small hole at one side.  Turn the cushion the correct way around by feeding the fabric through the hole in the seam.  Stuff the cushion with polyester filling, taking care not to overfill the cushion and stretch the knitting.  Using the remaining yarn, stitch the hole in the seam closed to complete the cushion.