
Onions and gherkins

Sep 09 2016

Aunty Biscuits remaining onions have now been dried and plaited, not that there are many to plait.  It remains to be seen whether the baby baths are being returned to fleece duty or being pensioned off as  permanent garden tubs, especially as there are mutterings about planting turnips in them.  This has led to a debate about turnips, swedes and mangles and which was which (or even real).  The conclusion was inconclusive, the debate continues.  On the gherkin front more have been pickled, it also transpires that they can be used in making piccalilli.  Piccalilli! What sort of name is that for a chutney?  I had clearly misheard initially as I thought they were talking about picking some of the flowers that were growing in the garden, but no its a chutney.  Its bright yellow and  difficult to spell so is it even edible?, it probably means something but neither Mum or Aunty Biscuit has told me what, I'll have to check it out on woofapedia and r ...

More lavender

Sep 07 2016

The lavender preparation continues apace.  Mum needs to make a couple of large lavender bags for one of the cupboards.  I'm not sure whether she is going for knitted or sewn but I will report back once a final decision has been made.  Aunty Biscuit is drying onions for pickling.

Lavender time again

Sep 05 2016

Mum has started to harvest the lavender.  I can't believe its that time of year already.  Once again there looks as if it is going to be a good crop.  I suspect there is going to be a lot of tying up of bunches for a few evenings before it is hung upside down to dry.

A busy weekend

Sep 04 2016

I have a number of things to report back on.  Sloe picking has commenced on when passed basis so it is now an integral part of our morning stroll or any other errand that takes either Mum or Aunty Biscuit past the main sloe hedge.  They have a decent sized bag in the freezer already.  Aunty Biscuit nearly fell in the ditch collecting some, missed opportunity by the collie I think as a helping paw and she'd have gone splat.  Mum has been in three times deliberately, she says it was to sort fencing out, I think she's been secretly trying frogging.  The super chunky jacket is coming on well, the downturn in the weather strengthens my case for ownership I feel.  Aunty Biscuit says I can have a blanket from the left overs if I'm good.  The agenda for this coming week include preparing some onions and gherkins for pickling, finishing the sleeves on the jacket and finishing proofing some jackets, I await with interest how much of that goes to plan!

A new contender

Sep 01 2016

The back of the new jacket is coming on really fast.  I have been practicing my "I.m cold" look - not easy in beautiful August sunshine - in hopes of being permanently loaned the finished garment as a bed but it appears that I have competition.  Mum has clocked it and has declared that it is her colours and that it might be too small for Aunty Biscuit so she should give it to her.  Its is in rich autumn colours with a hint of berries so think it would be a perfect background for me, another point in my favour.  I think someone should point out to mum that there may well be yarn left over so she could knit her own whereas I can't knit.  Aunty Biscuit is being difficult about the whole thing.Her stance is she's the one knitting it so she should have first dibs on it.  Yeah right, that is the weakest argument of the lot.

A new project

Aug 30 2016

Aunty Biscuit has embarked on a new project.  Its a jacket in super chunky weight yarn.  This is not a yarn that she has done a great deal of knitting with but she has some in her stash.  The great news is that it knits up really quickly and doesn't have many stitches to a row, the down side is that it uses 10mm needles so its a little hard on her hands.  It should be lovely and snug when finished.  i'm wondering if she'll notice if I appropriate it as a blankie.

Honeysuckle and wrens - simple pleasures

Aug 28 2016

We were supervising general external proceedings yesterday from the conservatory - I was strategically placed on Aunty Biscuits lap.  In direct view is a honeysuckle plant.  Aunty Biscuit loves honeysuckle- the luxurious foliage and the delicate tones of the flowers along with the glorious scent puts it in her top 10 favourites.  I'm surprised she hasn't attempted to knit one.  This morning there was a wren perched on the bin outside peering into the window.  They are tiny but their bright eyes and perky expressions are so cute I guess its true that its the little things in life that enrich it. 

Wax jackets and sloes

Aug 25 2016

Last weekend Mum reproofed her wax jackets, she also did mine and Harriers for us.  We needed them this morning as it was pouring down when we went on patrol.  We checked the hedge.  It looks like the sloes are starting to turn so will need to be monitored more closely over the next few weeks.  When ready they will be picked and popped into the freezer where they will reside for a time before becoming a vital ingredient of sloe gin.  We are also keeping a close eye on brambles and rosehips along with the crab apples..


Aug 23 2016

The owl and the squirrel have now been completed.  Along with a cat.  Following an incident with a recalcitrant tube of prussian blue and a further burnt umber mishap I am forced to conclude that whenit comes to art, acrylic is not Aunty Biscuits strongest medium.  As left to her own devices she likes pencil drawing and pastels best followed by water colours this doesn't bother her in the slightest.  My talent is putting muddy paw marks where possible.   

Acrylic paint splodges

Aug 22 2016

Aunty Biscuit has been painting an owl and a squirrel on top of a MDF tree.  Looking at her she has also either been painting herself or is a bit of a messy painter when it comes to acrylic paint.  The random splashes of raw sienna, burnt sienna, raw and burnt umber, red, yellow and green I suspect the latter ,  Still she is washable and has been enjoying herself (despite having trouble clambering off her work platform at one point) which is what hobbies and pastimes are all about.