
Seating Arrangements

Jul 05 2015

Due to the inclement British weather Mum has been rather slow in constructing the contents of the seat reported in The Box Contents Revealed.  However the recent warm weather and the absence of Aunty Biscuit has spurred her into action and said seat in now proudly displayed on the patio.  Not that she has got to use it as it has showered every time she was free.  Today fuelled by the fact it was still warm (even if the sun isn't shining) she decided to try it.  We sat around in mock disinterest as she got out the cushions and a throw to cover it (the cushions are ecru) and then proceeded to go back in the house for a coffee and the computer.  She was going to wrote the blog from the garden to give it a summer air...

new seat

Well what did she expect?  She put a blankie on the seat.  She must know by now that all blankies need to be tested prior to use by humans.  It was lovely all warm and cosy  But for some reason we got evicted.  War needs to be declared on this computer thing however, as it takes up to much room and while it is seated on her lap there is only too for one of us on it as well.  This actually forms the basis of a new game as we now keep jumping up and pushing each other off.  The seat is hanging in the air so Mum keep suddenly spinning around and is unable to get her drink.  Serves her right, maybe she will think twice before favouring this computer thing over us...

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