

Sep 24 2020

I have been studying woofapedia regarding the query “what about dreamcatchers?”  on Harriers challenge 3. As I thought this was in relation as to whether dream catchers pre date quills or biros, I started this line of research.  It is thought that quills came into use about 600 A.D.  (I assume A.D. stands for After Dinner) whereas the biro was first submitted for patent in the late 1880s.  An Ethnographer (I have no idea what one of those is) recorded a legend relating to dreamcatchers in 1929, but doesn’t give an original date of their invention.  I had just begun to follow this line of enquiry when Harrier pointed out our dream catcher hanging on the wall which has feathers dangling from it.  I now conclude that it was a suggestion that feathers can be used in dreamcatchers and that Harrier posted the comment to wind me up.  If you are crafting your own dreamcatcher the traditional thing is to use only natural ingredients.

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