
Postcard from the Rockies - Introducing Fluffy

May 18 2015

When my cousins Harrier and Marty asked me if I would like to write something for their extremely awesome blog, how could I possibly refuse? 

So my name is Fluffy, although many also call me Fluff or Fluffball. Some of the high-plains cowboys, who don't concern themselves too much about being polite, just yell "dog" really loudly when they want me to do something (but in those situations I try to pretend that I am asleep, so didn't hear them). 


So I am guessing the "cowboy" reference probably requires some explanation... You see, I am what is known as a mountain dog, and like all good mountain dogs I live in the mountains. The mountains that I live in are known as the Rockies and are home to a variety of humans who wear big hats, ride horses and chase those stupid cow-things around - due to this behaviour, me and my fellow mountain dogs often refer to these humans as cowboys (or cowgirls). 

Unfortunately, I have to go and check the house for coyote intrusions now (coyotes and mountain lions are the sworn enemies of us mountain dogs). However given the spring is the rainy season up here (and I don't really like being out in the rain any more than I have to), I will probably have time to write some more later... 


Total: 2 Comment(s)
Dread Pirate Roberts
  Wow. What an amazing dog !!! :)
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Nicola Preston
Nicola Preston  She is even more amazing in real life. So loyal. The best dog you could have to protect you in the mountains!!
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