
Frank lives!

May 13 2015

I’m pleased to announce that Frank is alive.  I have no idea who he is but he’s not as dead as first feared, merely hibernating, something he does apparently for 9 months of the year.  I have no idea what hibernation is either, time for some quick research and a skype to cousin Fluffy who lives in America.

Frank  Frank

It would appear that hibernation is being asleep, that sounds good provided it is somewhere warm and comfortable.  Frank is a yellow chested marmot, some sort of furry thing that lives in a burrow on Fluffys ranch follow the link for further pictures.  I am now wondering if he is like a rabbit –tasty, a squirrel-impossible to catch or merely inedible.  Mum did a pattern for a rabbit glove pattern, I wonder if she can adapt it to knit a frank puppet?  Would anyone want one?

hand Puppet

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