

Jul 10 2016

Having recently moved house I now have a conservatory to spend time in and I'm loving it.  Its light airy and warm.  It also simplifies my job of supervising Mum as I can just sit in a chair and peer out of the appropriate window if its showery or overcast.  As the house and grounds need some work I can see I'm going to be busy.  This morning for instance Aunty Biscuit has called, I have been sat on her lap to ensure she isn't tempted to overdo it by helping Mum paint the outside gate.  The colour is supposedly dark oak it just looks brown to me. I then had to woof at an itinerant sparrow, check on what the horses were up to and check nobody painted my squeaky toy all without putting a paw outside the conservatory, marvelous!  Harrier meanwhile shirks these onerous duties as he alternates between what he declares to be patrolling the ledge of the conservatory base wall and guarding the helicopter and associated manoeurvres.  The "patrolling" consists of jumping on the ledge, quickly looking out of the window then settling on a sunny bit, followed by shuffling slightly in the appropriate direction as the sun moves hmmm.   The helicopter excuse is even more dubious.  For starters its a helicopter garden lounger which goes away from you if you put your front paws on it, so you need to do a clean jump onto it. whereupon it swings about  The manoeuvres seem to consist of making himself comfortable whilst it is swinging about then taking up as much room as he can before going to sleep.  The subsequent flying dismount is hilarious to watch as dog goes one way and the chair goes the other, dog then legs it asap as chair swings back and he thinks its chasing him.  It must be comfortable though as he keeps putting himself through the ordeal.

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