
And I'm back!

Apr 17 2016

I've been very remiss with my diary recently as life has been a bit chaotic but finally managed to get my paws on the computer.  So to catch up on a few things.  I'm disgusted with the weather - it 's been very wet recently yuk, then we have had a cold spell with frost and snow showers! in  April! its outrageous! I've just acquired my summer coat.  I am pleased to report that the rug which seems to have dragged on for ages is now not too far off being finished.  There is a dolls dress in the pipeline - you heard it here first, along with something as yet unidentified in white cotton currently parked on the coffee table.  I became all excited at one point as there was talk of squirrels followed by disappointment that they were made of thin card and done on a die cutting machine.

Outside, Mum planted some potatoes which are starting to grow and the garden ornaments have been brought in for their annual clean and checkup I'm expecting the paintbrushes, acrylic paint and yacht varnish will be making an appearance next weekend.

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