
Gooseberries continued.

Aug 26 2015

Do you remember me reporting on the rhubarb and gooseberry conserve making?  Well it has now been tested on Granny Biscuit who said it tasted very good although being a conserve it had a soft set.  This news brought about another tirade from Aunty Biscuit on the evils of gooseberries and how much better strawberries and plums are.  The redcurrant jelly is also very nice and made with an acceptable fruit.  I think Mum should make something with a Kiwi fruit just to wind her up.  On a sad gooseberry note though, Mum has been rooting three cuttings from the bush only to find a caterpillar has eaten the leaves off one.  We are not sure whether Aunty Biscuit paid the caterpillar to commit this heinous act but it has been evicted and exiled as punishment

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