
Dressage Drama

Aug 03 2015

Grey pony had his first dressage competition yesterday.  Saturday had consisted of a flurry of tack, trailer and pony preparation.  There was a list as long as my front leg of things that could go wrong ranging from him refusing to go into the horsebox to eating all the decorative edging of the arena.  In the end it was something silly that happened.  Aunty Biscuit was in charge of spectating so was following later.  This turned out for the best because on arrival at the showground Mum discovered that the bag with the bridle and girth in it had been left behind.  A quick phone call was made, Aunty Biscuit turned up at ours to pick the bag up thus interrupting our midmorning snooze and away she went.  For someone who would normally be unable to navigate her way out of a paper bag she did very well to find the place without getting lost, thus enabling pony to warm up and compete.  He is now the proud owner of a very pretty rosette and Mums stress levels are back to normal.

pony's first rosette

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