
Sean the shorn.

Aug 02 2015

Mums friend Sean came to see us.  He arrived tired after a long journey to be told in no uncertain terms that he needed a haircut, Mum couldn’t offer to do it as the collie had blunted the clipper blades, so they all trouped off somewhere.  He arrived back looking well trimmed and passed muster.  I would have thought they would have kept the hair to spin into something but Mum said its best not to.  I was a bit nervous of him at first as I’ve only met him once before and couldn’t quite remember him.  He gave me some space, then an ear rub and a tummy rub so now I’m happy with him and hopefully I’ll be able to scrounge a couple of treats off him.  I think next time he comes he’s going to bring Mum a fleece to clean and spin.  I suspect Aunty Biscuit will have the cleaning bit as she has the equipment. 

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