
A sticky situation

Jul 13 2015

This evening Mum and Aunty Biscuit have been executing phase 2 of operation redcurrant jelly.  (Phase 1 was boil them up with some water and strain it overnight through some muslin).  

Jam Making

Phase 2 consists of measuring the amount of juice, adding sugar to it, boil until setting point then put in hot jars.  We are not allowed anywhere near these proceedings for safety reasons.  The means of determining set point differs, mum the scientist favours a jam thermometer, “you heat it to a certain temperature, you know its right, job done” approach whereas Aunty Biscuit prefers the wrinkle test.  This involves a number of saucers cooling in the fridge and checking how it drips off the spoon, at a certain point it is plopped on a saucer, cooled and a finger run through it (then eaten).  The jelly is deemed ready to pot when it wrinkles before the moving finger.  Mum has concerns that this approach is a little subjective, its not clear how many wrinkles constitute a decent set point.  Aunty Biscuit says a clear channel and about 3 wrinkles and her way you get to test the jelly that has collected on the saucer.  One thing is clear to us spectators, whatever the method every person and available work surface ends up equally sticky.

Jams & Jellies

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