

Jun 22 2015

We’ve been watching some programmes on sheds.  I must admit I wasn’t sure on this at first but was prepared to perch on Aunty Biscuits lap and give it a go.  They were surprisingly interesting and demonstrate the creativity that is out there.  Aunty Biscuit doesn’t have a shed and worries that it would be overrun with scary spiders if she acquired one.  Mum has a large shed with a hedgehog living underneath it, she uses it for preparing horseshoes for decorating.  In comparison to the sheds on the TV mums is very boringly shed shaped and functional, we feel it would benefit from a few canine amenities.  Our modest suggestions are as follows:  A wood fired heater/stove with a luxury dog bed for each of us near it.  Dog treat and water dispensers within stretching distance of the dog beds.  CCTV with one unit trained on hedgehog entry/exit point and another on the pond (for frogging purposes).  Aunty Biscuit should be locked in the shed until she has painted murals on the wall so we can pretend we are in a warm sunny meadow whilst supervising shed activities (this may involve spider removal first).  The exterior could be remodelled so it is bone shaped and incorporate a small suntrap patio for basking purposes.

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