
Pamper evening

Jun 10 2015

There is nothing quite like a pamper evening is there?  We’ve each had our claws trimmed.  I don’t mind this but Harrier hates it.  He has retreated to his man cave (probably to sulk but he’ll claim its to catch up with important correspondence) leaving the rest of us to make it into a girlie pamper evening.  

Man Cave

The trimming has been followed by a good grooming session which I adore, so all my loose hairs are gone.  A full doggy massage was next on the agenda, invigorating yet relaxing at the same time.  I then booked myself in for a Reiki session so now everything is good in my little world after my hectic weekend.  I’m just finishing off by washing a front paw and will then drift off for a light snooze whilst mum & Aunty Biscuit are doing some work on an upcoming project, I think it may be a dolls clothing pattern. 

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