
Vital Statistics

May 17 2015

I've been spectating as Harrier has been measured for his forthcoming dog jumper.  He has been measured round just behind the front legs and round the base of his neck.  Lengthwise he's been checked from neck to bum and all the bits in between.  Because he is a boy dog the underneath bit can't be too long for hygeine reasons.  He was very happy to be measured 

and was given a new squidgy ball as a present.  Its a very pretty shade of purple but I fear it may have a short life span, time will tell.  Initial design sketches for the jumper are now in progress.  Photographs and patterns will follow in due course, keep an eye on the pet accessories page of the website.

Total: 1 Comment(s)
Nicola Preston
Nicola Preston  Results of Harrier v's Ball. Punctured in 15mins. Think we need to find a stronger one in future.....
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