
A crafty snapshot 11 May 2015

May 11 2015

I’m lounging on a sofa supervising mum and aunty biscuit.  Harrier is on the other sofa removing the mud that he acquired on our walk from his various body parts.  Aunty biscuit is casting on an ear flap for a garden themed hat.  Various designs for this have been discussed but I’m not privy to which one they are going with.  Mum is writing up a pattern for a custom made hat they have done of the world.   

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This was quite tricky as the world is a complete globe, whereas hats tend to be a hemisphere.  Still they enjoyed the challenge.  I put a lot of work into the whole process of designing things.  I sit and watch them doing the initial sketches, occasionally sitting on them if I disagree with them, ensure that discussions over colour and yarn choices are kept informal by demanding tummy rubs or ear scratching.  I then help draw the pattern onto special graph paper.  I’m very paws off for the knitting process itself and then provide support and guidance when typing it up.   I also ensure that they take regular breaks either by asking to go out or sitting on laps.

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