
Saturday mornings

May 09 2015

One of the simple pleasures in life is a Saturday morning.  After a tummy tickle and a light breakfast you can perch on the sofa arm and watch the comings and goings on the bird table.  We have a collared dove that regularly sits in the mesh tray and eats out of the feeder, it is so fat it’s a wonder it doesn’t fall out.  

Bird Table

The local flock of starlings will usually put in an appearance, depending on the light, these can be black with speckles or iridescent with speckles.  Spuggies and blue tits also turn up, they all need keeping an eye on.  Spotting the local cat slinking its way towards the table puts us on full alert and involves athletically leaping from the sofa, pelting outside to the wrought iron gate whilst wuffing vigorously.  Downside is it seems to scare the birds away as well as the cat.  Usually aunty biscuit will turn up for a cuppa at some point thus providing an ample and comfortable lap to perch on and a slave to rub behind my ears before I settle down for a nap thus allowing her to do a little crocheting.

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